Instituto Superior Técnico

PHD Open Days 2015

9 to 12 november, 2015

Salão Nobre


IST is launching the PhD OpenDays initiative with the main goal of offering the opportunity to more than 500 PhD students of socializing and sharing their research, skills and expertize not only with the rest of the academic community, but also with the several companies that will be attending this event.

We are proud to count with a set of distinct speakers as well as the alumni from the several IST PhD Programs. We are also very glad to receive many representatives from several companies that will have the opportunity to listen to about the work that has been performed by IST PhD students.

The four PhD OpenDays will take place at the Salão Nobre of IST, in a very familiar and cozy atmosphere, where the students will have the opportunity to expose their work and directly contact and discuss their research, opportunities and careers with the attending companies representatives. At the end of each day, several thematic panels and special presentations will take place, and the PhD movies will be screened.

You are all invited to attend the PhD OpenDays, from November 9 to November 12 of 2015, at the Salão Nobre of IST.

The Organizing Committee


Monday, 9 November

Welcome Session

President of IST

Opening Speech

António Lamas, President of Centro Cultural de Belém

Coffee Break and Poster Session
PhD Presentations

Nuno David

"Landscape in the monitoring of Plans - contributions towards an inclusive monitoring system"

Ana Gabriela Simões

“Evaluation and Reduction of the Vulnerability of “Gaioleiro” Buildings"

João Delgado

“Pumps as turbines for energy recovery in water supply systems:turbine mode characterization andoperational controls optimization”

João Appleton

“Current Housing Buildings Rehabilitation in Lisbon  - performance, character and reinvention for a new architectural unity. The case study of Almirante Reis Avenue”

Lunch Break
Alumni Session

José Gonilha, LCW Consult, S.A.

“From research to industry: a PhD on GFRP-concrete hybrid structures”

Jorge Lopes, Brisa

“Using PhD in Brisa: From the infrastructures to the mobility era”  

Mónica Amaral Ferreira, IST

"Multidisciplinary nature of seismic risk"


Ana Silva

"Statistical modelling of service life prediction of façade's claddings"

Alex Prodan

"No borders: A Model for Railway Infrastructure Charges across Europe"

Jelena Milosevic

“Evaluation and reduction of the seismic vulnerability of “Placa” Buildings"

Mafalda Pacheco

"Mediterranean echoes in Fuzeta's urbanism and architecture"

Coffee Break and Poster Session
Closing Activity

Screening of the PhD Movie 1

Tuesday, 10 November

Opening Speech

Cristina Faria, Grupo de Inovação e Desenvolvimento de Produto (I&PD) da Hovione

Coffee Break and Poster Session
PhD presentations

Pedro Mendes

“Synergies between zeolites in hydrocracking catalysts, from ideality to reality"

Joana Guerreiro

"Genome-wide understanding of adaptation and resistance mechanisms in food spoilage yeasts and yeast cell factories"

Teresa Rodrigues

“Multi-methodological development of a population health index”

Lunch Break
Alumni Session

David Braga Malta, Bioeng cell28

"Bio-technology translation from academy to industry"

Tânia Ramos, ISCTE

"The perfect balance: Integrating management and engineering"  

Maria João Rosa, LNEC

"The relevance of a PhD in Chemical Engineering to my professional career"


Rodolfo Abreu

"Study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of epileptic activity using simultaneous EEG-fMRI: towards clinical applications"

Diana Ferreira

“Photosensitizer/Biomaterial local drug delivery systems with potential application in Cancer Photodynamic Therapy”

José Ferrão

"Leveraging structured electronic health record data to support hospital management"

Coffee Break and Poster Session
Closing Activity

Innovation and entrepreneurship panel discussion
Moderator - President of the Scientific Council of IST
Gonçalo Andrade, Hovione Capital
João Miguel Santos Pereira, Magnomics
Manuel Tânger,  Beta-i

Wednesday, 11 November

Opening Speech

António Vidigal, President of EDP Inovação

Coffee Break and Poster Session
PhD Presentations

Anabela Reis

“Industrialization under increasing uncertainty: implications for aeronautics”

Emanuel Teodori

“Effect of surface modification on pool boiling heat transfer”

Khadija Benis

“Sustainable urban metabolism – approaches and practice”

Rita Pimentel

"Identification of Default Clusters: an analysis of Portuguese industry sectors"

Lunch Break
Alumni Session

Eunice Trigueirão, IDMEC

"How I survived a PhD in Statistics"

Frederico Afonso, IDMEC

"Performance Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Energy Efficient and Novel Aircraft Configurations"

Marco Leite, IDMEC

"From 3D-printing to additive manufacturing: implications on mechanical design"


Ricardo Loura

“Privacy Using Quantum Channels”

Joana Farinhas

“Highly Efficient Polymer-based Photovoltaic Cells Through Morphological Control of The Active Layer”

Miguel Neto

“On the development of Flexible Magnetic Non-Volatile Memories”

Vanda Lourenço

"The Stochastics of a PhD in Statistics"

Coffee Break and Poster Session
Closing Activity

Vitor Cardoso, Professor of Physics at IST  "The meaning of life"

Thursday, 12 November

Opening Speech

Diego Pavia, CEO of KIC Innoenergy

Coffee Break and Poster Session
PhD Presentations

Shantanav Chakraborty

"Robustness of Quantum Algorithms in Noisy Regimes"

Richard Martinez

"Automated Planning for Self-Adaptive Systems"

Cláudia Soares

“Distributed localization in sensor networks”

Lunch Break
Alumni Session

André Martins, Unbabel

"Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing"

Samuel Martins – Global Health Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

"Physics PhD: solving complex problems in any field”

Hugo Plácido da Silva – BITalino

“BITalino: From a Paper Towel to the World"

Iolanda Leite – Disney Research

"Graduate school: the right moment for building bridges"


Ana Dias

"Plasmas for advanced carbon nanostructures synthesis"

João Valadeiro

“Advanced sensors for ultralow magnetic field detection”

Amin Mohtasham

"Fair Resource Allocation in Multiprocess Environments"

Coffee Break and Poster Session
Closing Session

President of the Scientific Council of IST

Closing Activity

Screening of the PhD Movie 2

Main speakers

André Martins

André Martins is a research scientist at Unbabel, in Lisbon, Portugal. Formerly he worked as a research scientist at Priberam Labs. He received his dual-degree PhD in Language Technologies in 2012 from Carnegie Mellon University and Instituto Superior Técnico. His PhD dissertation was awarded Honorable Mention in CMU's SCS Dissertation Award competition. Martins' research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, structured prediction, sparse modeling, and optimization. He received a best paper award at the ACL 2009 conference and the Portuguese IBM 2011 Scientific Prize.

António Lamas

Diploma of Civil Engineering from IST, University of Lisbon; PhD in Structural Engineering, from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London. Professor of Civil Engineering at IST. CEO of Fundação do Centro Cultural de Belém, and of the Estrutura de Missão for the Integrated Strategy for Belém.

António Vidigal

António Vidigal is presently General Director at EDP Group, with responsibility over Innovation. He is the CEO of EDP Inovação, and Executive Board Member of EDP Ventures. He has a degree in Electrotechnical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, where he began his professional life teaching Power System Transients. He has been deeply involved in the selection and fostering of new technologies in the Clear Tech domain at EDP.

Cristina Faria

Cristina Faria holds a degree in Chemical Engineering– Instituto Superior Técnico, a master degree in technical information for industry from Sheffield University and a European patent law graduate course from CEIPI-Strasbourg University. For 11 years she worked as Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office The Hague, Netherlands, Department of Applied Chemistry.

David Braga Malta

David Braga Malta is President and co-founder of Cell2B. David is a PhD in Bioengineering from the MIT Portugal Program and holds a M.Sc. Degree in Biological Engineering, Instituto Superiror Técnico, Portugal. David co-founded both Cell2B and BoostPharma pushing forward the translation of regenerative medicine technologies from bench to bedsidDavid Braga Malta.

Diego Pavía

Diego Pavía graduated as electrical engineer, specialising in electronics and automation from the Polytechnical University of Madrid. His first professional experience, in 1988, was as co-founder and CEO of a start-up, Knowledge Engineering, dealing with industrial controls systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks. Since 2010, Diego has been CEO of KIC InnoEnergy.

Eunice Carrasquinha

Eunice Carrasquinha got a Bachelor of Mathematics degree from Évora University, has an MSc in Biostatistics from the Faculty of Sciences (ULisboa) and has been awarded a PhD in Statistics and Stochastic Processes from IST in 2015. She has recently joined the "Center of Intelligent Systems" at IDMEC (Institute of Mechanical Engineering), as a post-doc in the area of "Systems Engineering in Life Sciences".

Frederico Afonso

Frederico José Prata Rente Reis Afonso completed his MSc in Aerospace Engineering in 2011 and the PhD in Aerospace Engineering in 2015, both at Instituto Superior Técnico. He is currently a research engineer with a scholarship at Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC). His research interests include Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Aeroelasticity, Morphing Structures, Preliminary and Conceptual Aircraft Design. He has participated in the EU 7th Framework Program Project NOVEMOR.

Gonçalo Andrade

Gonçalo studied biology at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (1996-2001) and began his professional career in the development of rapid diagnostic methods of microbial contamination. During the last two years, and as alumnus of LisbonMBA, Gonçalo was responsible for the business development of the inhalation and medical devices areas at Hovione Farmaciência, a position he held until recently, when he accepted the challenge to take the post of General Director of HovioneCapital.

Hugo Plácido da Silva

PhD in Electrical and Computers Engineering from IST, Hugo is a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações since 2004 and co-founder of PLUX, a company operating since 2007 in the field of biomedical devices for healthcare and research. He believes to be one of the few lucky people that can say he worked very few days in his life... not because of lack of a job (fortunately), but because when you do stuff you love and are passionate about almost every single day, there's no boundary between what's work and what's just pure fun. More recently, Hugo has been actively working (i.e. having fun) towards making the world a bit more physiological, through BITalino (, a software and low-cost hardware toolkit that allows anyone to create cool projects and applications with biosignals.

Iolanda Leite

Iolanda Leite received her PhD in Information Systems and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in June 2013. She is currently an Associate Research Scientist at Disney Research, Pittsburgh. Prior to that, she was a Postdoc at Yale University. Her doctoral dissertation, “Long-term Interactions with Empathic Social Robots”, received an honorable mention in the IFAAMAS-13 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award. She received the Best Student Paper Award at the International Conference on Social Robotics in 2012 and the Best Submission Award at the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGAI) Career Conference in 2015. Her main research interests are Child-Robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Interaction.

João Santos Pereira

João Santos Pereira is the CEO and co-founder of Magnomics. With international experience in web and technology start-ups, João is in charge of transforming the novel scientific concepts behind Magnomics into a high potential, outward looking company at the cutting edge of the next generation of in vitro diagnostics. João is an Electrical Engineering IST alumnus, and holds a PhD in Brain Imaging from the University of Cambridge.

Jorge Lopes

Jorge Lopes is graduated in computer science engineering and holds a PhD Degree in Transportation Systems from the Technical University of Lisbon in collaboration with the MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since 2001 he works for BRISA – the largest Portuguese motorway operator. Currently he is the director for information and technologies related with the traffic and tolling operations.

José de Almeida Gonilha

José de Almeida Gonilha was admitted at Instituto Superior Técnico in the Civil Engineering Course in 2003, finishing the Integrated Master in Civil Engineering in 2008. He worked as a Civil Engineering in the company Quadrante, Engenharia e Consultoria, S.A., where he was a structural design practitioner, mainly developing pre-stress concrete Bridge and Viaduct projects for Douro Interior and Baixo Tejo leases.

Marco Leite

Marco Leite is an invited lecturer of the Structural Materials and Mechanical Design scientific area of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Instituto Superior Técnico and lectures the course on New Product Development at ISCTE Business School - IBS, both in Lisbon, Portugal. He also lectures courses on new product development at the executive level at INDEG-ISCTE. He received his PhD in the Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing focus area of the MIT Portugal program. Since then, his research interests focus on methodologies for product development, namely with materials and process evaluation and selection, and on methodologies of design for additive manufacturing (DfAM).

Maria João Rosa

Chemical engineer (1989), PhD in Chemical Engineering (1995) Memb tech in pulp & paper effluent IST/UL. Former Associate Professor at the University of Algarve. Senior researcher at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC). Vice-President of APESB - Portuguese Association for Environmental and Sanitary Engineering. 25-year experience on: water quality and treatment, water reclamation and reuse, performance assessment and benchmarking of (W)WTPs.

Mónica Amaral Ferreira

Mónica Amaral Ferreira is a Ph.D. in Territorial Engineering and a Researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico. She has 12 years of exposure to the field of seismic risk assessment and disaster mitigation. Before coming to Instituto Superior Técnico in 2004, she worked at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Milano (INGV) as a researcher during a year.

Manuel Tânger

Manuel is a physicist. He has an Msc in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico  and concluded with a top graded final thesis supervised by Physics Nobel Prize Winner 1999 Gerard t’Hooft at the University of Utrecht. Manuel started his professional career at Mercer HR Consulting. Following this experience he was  invited to work for Danone in Italy (Saiwa) where he was Strategic Planner for the Western Europe Zone for a couple of years and then Brand Manager of Vitasnella (Taillefine, Corpos Danone). Manuel wasable to bring back a defaulting brand to +20% growth year-on-year. After Italy, Manuel was European Marketing Manager at Qbian, In 2009 Manuel co-founded Beta-i, an association actively promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in Portugal. Beyond being a founder, Manuel is head of innovation and is responsible for external projects as well as innovation to and from startups. Manuel sees himself as a creativity generator and knowledge spreader. Manuel is also a PhD candidate at ISCTE on Complex Systems.

Samuel Martins

Samuel F. Martins is a Senior Strategy Officer in the Global Health team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Samuel works on Product Development strategies, including acceleration of research, development and introduction of new vaccines, medicines, and diagnostic products in the developing world. Prior to joining the foundation, Samuel was an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company. Samuel holds a PhD in Computational Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico in Portugal in collaboration with the University of California Los Angeles.

Tânia Ramos

Tânia Ramos is assistant professor at ISCTE-IUL – Business School. She is a member of the 'Marketing, Operations and General Management' Department where she teaches Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Operations Management to BSc and MSc students. She holds a BSc degree in 'Enterprise Management and Organization' from ISCTE-IUL, an MSc degree in 'Operations Research and Systems Engineering' from IST-UTL and a PhD in 'Engineering and Management' from IST-UL.

Vitor Cardoso

Vitor Cardoso is Professor of Physics at IST, where he is Head of the IST Gravity group at CENTRA. He is a Visiting Fellow at Perimeter Institute, an Outstanding Visiting Researcher at Rome ``La Sapienza’’ and an ERC St & Co Grant holder. In 2015 he was awarded the “Ordem de Sant'Iago da Espada” title, for scientific achievements, by the President of the Portuguese Republic.


Day 9

Aish Mahmade, Ana Gabriela Simões, Ana Quaresma, Ana Rita Ramoa, António Duarte, Bahareh Tavallaee, Cynthia Danielle Siqueira, Carolina Martins, Diogo Neves, Duarte Nunes,  Fatima Gouveia, Filipe Romão, Francisco Mota Sá, Francisco Nunes, Jelena Milosevic, Hawreen, João Crucho, João Pedro Santos, João Sousa, Kátia Canellas, Luis Valarinho, Luisa Cannas Silva, Mafalda Pacheco, Maria Bacharel, Maria João Costa, Mariana Simão, Mário Garrido, Mehdi Hajizamani, Moises Brito, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Nuno Barreiras, Nuno David, Olga Petrik, Ricardo Costa, Rita Amaral, Ryan Allard,  Sajada, Sofia Kalakou,  Sofia Real, Tiago Farinha Rodrigues e Tiago Morgado.

Day 10

Ana Sara Costa, Ana Sílvia Moreira, Alexandre Chicharo, André Carreiro, António Quintino, Bruna Rijo, Bruno Faria, Bruno Ferreira, Diana Batista, Diogo Almeida, Diogo Pinto, Everton Santos, Filipe Madeira, Francisco Moreira, Helena Silva, Inês Fernandes Pinto, Inês Martins, Joana Feliciano, Joana Serra, João Pedro Marques, João Silva, João Trabuco, Jorge Pascoal, Kush Upadhyay, Leão Fernandes , Marta Costa, Mónica Rosa, Nuno Martins, Patrícia Lopes, Raquel Cunha, Ricardo Mateus, Rita Franca, Rui Freire, Sara Realista, Serban Mogos, Shrika Harjivan, Teresa Silva eTiago Cruz.

Day 11

Abiliane de Andrade Pazeto, Ana Subtil, Anabela Reis, Baojiang Yang, Bruno Soares, Claudia Sousa, Dário Silva, David Henriques, Catarina Rolim, Fernanda Vilarinho, Francisco Macedo, Irene Carvalho, Joana Farinhas, Joaquim Viegas, Liliana Cangueiro, Miguel Neto, Paulo Fernandes, Paulo Maia, Ricardo Loura, Ricardo Prata, Rita Pimentel, Roberto Varela, Tri Le Quang, Vanda Lourenço, Vania Silvério, Vitor Carvalho.

Day 12

Anastasiia Moskaltsova, Atabak Dehban, Carlos Neves, Diogo Aguiam, Fernando Franco, Fernando Santos,  Guilherme Ramos, Hua Lv, Hugo Rodrigues, Jayanath Koliyadu,João Loureiro, João Quintas, João Rodrigues, João Semedo,Jorge Soares, Leonardo Novo, Luís Cebola, Margarida Caldeira,Miguel Costa,Norberto Catarino,  Pedro Mota,  Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Shantanav Chakraborty, Sílvia Barros, Simon Knudde, Sofia Leitão,Susana Espinho,  Syed Shah.
